What is Serverless

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider allocates machine resources on demand, taking care of the servers on behalf of their customers.

Wikipedia (Serverless computing)

Any serverless service is based on two key principles:

  • A cloud provider manages the resources, allowing you as a user to interact with the service via APIs. Typically, you don't have access to the underlying machines. The operational details are transparent to you; the cloud provider can add or remove resources based on your demand, handling scaling automatically.
  • You pay based on usage, meaning if you don't use the service, you don't incur any costs. While you can provision a serverless service, you won't be billed unless you make API calls against it.

Although AWS Lambda is often synonymous with serverless, any service that adheres to these principles is considered a serverless service. In the following section, we will explore several such services.